Dinger's Aviation Pages

Some science fiction themed illustrations and cartoons by John "Dinger" Dell.

Back in the late 1970's and early 1980's I did a lot of paintings, cartoons and illustrations with a science fiction theme. The paintings I used to sell at SF conventions (if I was lucky the money would cover the cost of attending the convention). I don't actually have images of most of the paintings I sold. I guess there is a chance some are still out there somewhere. I also contributed cartoons and illustrations to various fanzines. Here are just a tiny number of the hundreds I produced. Hope you enjoy looking at them.

This is one painting I did sell: HM Spaceship "Ark Royal". I know it hung in the window of a Science Fiction bookshop in London for a while.

Space Invaders of course, painted for the cover of a video games magazine (never used).

Cover artwork for "Vector" magazine August 1981.

Cartoon in "Standard by Seven" fanzine (issue 7).

From "The Visitor" fanzine April 1984.

Another from "The Visitor" April 1984

BSFG Newsletter Jan 1982.

Pencil sketch for finished painting.1978.

BSFG Newsletter Dec 1981.

BSFG Newsletter Aug 1982

BSFG Newsletter